부산시청 맛집 양정동 형과아우 누룽지삼계탕&왕갈비탕

Busan City Hall Gourmet Restaurant Yangjeong-dong Hyungguaau Grilled Samgyetang & Wanggalbi-tangI went back to the car where I sometimes thought of scorched samgyetang that I had once eaten on Bokil.Originally, I didn’t like samgyetang very much, but I visited Au Samgyetang with my brother in Busan City Hall because the savory scorched rice was really good.After a long time, I passed Song Sang-hyun Square and came to Yangjeong for a reassuring dinner.Since Busan City Hall is nearby, there are many delicious restaurants nearby, but I think many people already know this place.”The last time I came here, maybe it was lunch break, so the waiting was quite long, but it was good that I had plenty of time to come in the evening.”If you want to relax and enjoy scorched Samgyetang or Wanggalbi-tang, please come at dinner time ;)There were customers all over the table, so I felt a little sorry for taking pictures of the store, so I quickly took a picture in the kitchen.It is no different from other Korean restaurants.No, but why are there so many certificates of merit, and certificates?In fact, these certificates were lined up because it was a restaurant where you could eat dishes made by Korean food masters.It is a franchise restaurant with its head office in Daejeon, and in Busan, it is also located in Haeundae in addition to City Hall.I heard that it is possible to start a franchise, so if you are interested in samgyetang or Wanggalbi-tang, it would be a good idea to look into it.As for side dishes, you should bring side dishes that are easy to eat for samgyetang or galbitang, such as self-bar samjang, onions, chili peppers, kimchi, radish pickles, etc., but if you don’t have enough, you can bring more from the self-bar.However, they don’t bring chili peppers, so if you need them, bring them from the self-bar!Korea’s No. 1 national health food.Although the trade name is long, it was easy to find it by simply searching for “brother and brother” or “grilled samgyetang.””That’s how serious the scorched Samgyetang is, and it seems that a good restaurant is right.”Why beer? No, I wanted to drink beer together when I had soup for dinner. I wanted chicken and beer in my own way, so I ordered scorched samgyetang and galbitang.Four basic side dishes, pickled radish and soy sauce, go best with samgyetang.16,000 won of yellow lacquer scorched samgyetang is the representative menu of the restaurant, and there is scorched samgyetang.The deeper the deep broth of samgyetang, the richer it was.It contains two large king galbi tables worth 15,000 won, and it enriched the taste of the soup with mushrooms, egg brocade egg condiments, green onions, and dates.Spring rain is also included, so you can eat noodles together.Galbitang meat originally had a lot of oil or a little more fat, which was a bit disappointing.Grilled Samgyetang and Wanggalbi-tang.It is a delicious restaurant where you can choose and eat two of Korea’s representative recreational foods according to your taste, and it is good to eat when you feel a little empty because it uses yellow lacquer soup.But if there’s a day when you think of scorched rice like me, you can go and eat it one by oneSamgyetang and chicken seem to have a particularly good breast.Thanks to the tenderness of the stew, it became soft and digestible when it was torn into small pieces and eaten with scorched rice.Also, I felt like my stomach would soon get stronger even if I ate a few spoonfuls.Since the ribs are king, it is easier to cut meat and throw away the ribs.If you dip the meat in soy sauce and roll the rice together with radish kimchi, it’s like rice power for Koreans.It’s a food that comes out in an earthen pot, so I wonder how delicious it will be if it boils for a while even if I put it on the table.+ A video of the delicious dinner.If you look at it now, you’ll want to take a bite of the savory scorched samgyetang ▼ Busan City Hall gourmet restaurant Hyunwoo scorched samgyetang & Wanggalbitang access◎Brother and brother’s scorched samgyetang & Wanggalbitang Busan Metropolitan City, 130 Dongpyeong-ro 405, Jin-gu, BusanBusiness Hours – Monday – Saturday 10:30 am – 9:30 pm – Breaktime 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm – Closed every Sunday Store Phone: 051-851-8862 Home Page ▽Lee Jong-sam, master of scorched samgyetang and Wanggalbitang, vb0bm47bh5al49a.comdaily mealⓒnamennamnamnardaily mealⓒnamennamnamnar

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